Appam is a type of pancake or say a griddle cake, from the South Indian states of Kerala and Tamilnadu. This dish is common in the Island state of Sri Lanka too. Appam are served for breakfast or even dinner. The accompaniments may vary from chutneys, to veg or non veg stew or even egg or chickpea curry.

Appam is made from fermented rice batter and coconut water. The coconut water used for this purpose should be from the regular ones used for cooking. It has to be then fermented for 2 days. This is a traditional method shared by my dear school friend, a Keralite. It is what she learnt from her mother. Nowadays, though many use yeast for the same purpose, I preferred going by the traditional method. After all, I have always loved traditional foods a lot and love trying out the traditional and original methods!

For some more such delicious dishes made using rice, do take a look at the following recipes too…

  1. Idli Saambar
  2. Goad Aappe (Sweet Paniyaram)
  3. Instant Corn Semolina Paniyaram (Savoury Aappe)
  4. Rawaa Taandlache Poale (Semolina & Rice Pancakes)
  5. Hiit (Idli In Jackfruit Leaves)
  6. Goad Poale (Sweet Pancakes)

Prep Time : 15 min

Cooking Time : 2-3 min/Appam

Serves : 9

Cup Used :200 ml


  • 3/4 – 1 cup Coconut Water (Obtained from 2 Medium / 1 Large Regular Coconut used for cooking)
  • 1 1/2 cup Raw Rice Grains
  • 1/4 cup Flattened Rice (Poha… Any Variety)
  • 1 cup Fresh Grated/Shredded Coconut
  • 6 tsp Sugar
  • 3/4 tsp Salt Approx
  • As Required Oil


  1. To make Appam, first we need to ferment the coconut water.
  2. For this purpose, add 6 tsp of sugar to the coconut water and set aside for 48 hours.
  3. In the morning, about 13-14 hours before the above mentioned 48 hours, rinse and soak the rice grains for 7-8 hours, in sufficient water.
  4. Next, after the stipulated time, drain out all the water.
  5. Grind these rice grains alongwith the fermented coconut water, flattened rice and grated coconut to get a fine batter.
  6. If required, a little regular drinking water can be added while grinding.
  7. Add about 3/4 – 1 tsp Salt to this and mix well. Set aside the batter overnight, to ferment.
  8. Next morning the batter will have risen considerably, due to the addition of the fermented coconut water.
  9. Add a little water to the batter to get a consistency, thinner than a dosa batter but thicker than a Poale batter.
  10. Mix well and heat an appam kadhai. Smear oil on it with the help of a sliced onion half.
  11. When heated, reduce the flame to low and sprinkle some plain water over it.
  12. This will create a sizzling sound and will cool down the kadhai.
  13. Immediately pour a ladleful of the batter into it. Immediately swirl the kadhai to spread the batter over the total surface.
  14. Once placed back on the gas stove, the extra batter will collect in the centre.
  15. Cover the kadhai with a lid and cook on low heat till the Appam is cooked and can be easily taken off the kadhai by releasing it’s sides slowly with a knife.
  16. Repeat the above steps for the rest of the batter.
  17. Serve these delicious Appams with a Vegetable Stew and an Onion Tomato Chutney.

If desired it can be served with the following chutneys too…

  1. Coconut Chutney (South Indian Style)
  2. Aalya Chatni
  3. NKGSB Style Lasni Chatni
  4. Sweet And Sour Coconut Chutney

Pictures depicting the cooking process…

Author: tastyrecipesfrompooja

An artist by nature, I love painting, travelling to different places and photographing nature, gardening, crochet, reading, etc. It's my nature to give my best to anything and everything I do. From a person who could cook very few dishes..... I have converted myself to a person who now can cook varied dishes! I like perfection in all my work. Reading a lot of recipes, watching different famous chefs' cooking shows on television and observing their methods, techniques and tips very closely and studiously what has made me a very good cook today. Though there are numerous recipes I haven't tried my hand at..... there are many other in which I have gained exerpertise only by trial and error! I still watch all interesting cookery shows on TV to gain more knowledge on cooking techniques of other cultures from here and abroad!! Nowadays, I have started adding healthy twists to my dishes as and when I can without compromising on their original taste. Started this blog to share a few recipes of mine with all other cooking enthusiasts! Happy cooking to all! πŸ˜ƒ


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